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Social Connection
The Social Connection Committee here at PEW works very hard to plan events that will provide an opportunity to enjoy the
company of old friends, meet new people and connect while enjoying a good time and good food! All only a short distance from home, so please come and join us at the next get together planned just for you!!
Co-Chairs: Merlin Chancellor and Simon Spears
Treasurer: Cindy Palermo
Secretary: Marilyn Ferri
Other members are: Cathy Bassett, Cathie Byrd, Rusty Bassett, Margaret Scotto, Angela Sirota, Shevaun Teegarden
Property Info
Palomar Estates West is a Millennium Housing Community. The property is managed by Haven Management Services. The property supervisor is Katie Davis Ph: 909-930-9750 Ext 3005, email: kdavis@havenms.com
The property is locally managed by Office: Lisa Hamernick and Maintenance: Felipe Diaz.
Phone: 760-727-5453 Email: Palomarestateswest@gmail.com
M-F 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m & 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Office Staff: Gayle Plant Weekend Relief: Doug Tickner Security Patrol: Hidden Valley Security 760-744-1061
Other numbers of interest
After hours park, emergencies only: (888) 518-6064
Security Patrol - Hidden Valley Security (760) 744-1061
Sheriff - non-emergency number (760) 510-5200
Website help or feedback
Email: Lynn Thomas - zzzennnwoman@sbcglobal.net